jeudi 25 novembre 2010

Illumination à la française

Sick of sifting through the endless aisles of brass, tacky faux finishes and cheap ‘crystal’ chandeliers at your local lighting store?  In Europe, innovative lighting options are MAINSTREAM.  There are endless ideas to illuminate your space in the most innovative and daring ways.  Here are a few ideas:

These two lights from Roche Bobois grabbed my attention because of what they were made of. 
This table lamp’s shade was sculpted into the form of a male torso and is made not from a hard metal but is actually a malleable vinyl!  Showing that it doesn’t only have to be the shape of a design that can grab your interest but it can also be the use of an unexpected material. 

The floor lamp above was also made using the same vinyl and was constructed in a way that reminds me of oriental lanterns stacked atop one another.  In my opinion; a very beautiful departure from the typical, boring floor lamp. 

 This adjustable floor lamp by the French company CINNA is some what of a technical design fascination for me.  It is covered in a moveable, flimsy netting.  Do you remember those tubes you used to play with as a kid where you could trap your finger in it and no matter how hard you pulled you wouldn’t be able to release your finger unless you released the tension? (Actually I think parents use them now to keep their kids in tow!)  The base and arm of the lamp are sheathed in it and you can actually move the sheath around the lamp creating different lumps and shapes. 
I have to admit I stood their playing with it for five minutes before I even checked who the designer was.  (I think the sales lady thought I was a bit of a looneytune)
A great reading lamp and finished again with a very unexpected material.

These are not just ways to illuminate a space but are also an innovative addition to your design scheme.  For my readers back home, take your time when trying to find lights for your space.  Don’t just get fed up and trek over to IKEA.  Look for a light that can provide the dual purpose of illumination and beauty of design.  You won’t be disappointed.